Faça o Rotary Brilhar

Presidente de RI 2016-2017 - John Germ
Governador do Distrito 4680 de RI 2016-2017- Pedro Bruno Regner e Dirce
Presidente do Rotary Club de Pelotas Princesa do Sul 2016-2017 - Maria Helena Nedel

quarta-feira, 23 de maio de 2012

Visita a Câmara de Vereadores de Pelotas-Intercambio do Rotary

Meeting with the vice president of the Câmara de Veradores in Pelotas
Meeting with Verador Eduardo Leite, councilmember from Pelotas, and hopefully the next mayor (he is running this year)!! He is 27 years old, and was first elected to office at age 23!!

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